About me

I have been interested in naturopathy since childhood. My mother was a doctor and very rarely used pharmaceutical drugs when I was sick, but she always successfully used various traditional methods that had no side effects. As an adult, I began to look for alternatives to drugs, using knowledge I had obtained during childhood. I greatly enjoyed finding new methods that were previously unknown to me. This is how I became acquainted with homeopathy, acupuncture, kinesiology, Ayurveda and other traditional methods. I was fascinated by how knowledge used for thousands of years can help people cope with various health problems. Over time, I began to think about what causes diseases, particularly chronic ones, since it is much easier to prevent diseases than to treat them. I understood that what we eat is important for our health, well-being, mood and the way we look. I always tried to eat as healthy as possible and researched into health in my spare time. However, base knowledge is crucial for gaining a deeper understanding of the processes which occur in the body, how food and drink affect them, and most importantly, how diet and lifestyle changes can impact them.

After an experiment during which I radically changed my diet and felt a completely different version of myself - full of strength, energy, and glowing skin. I realised my passion and decided to study as a naturopathic nutritionist in order to share my knowledge and help people, as even small changes in your diet and lifestyle can lead to big changes in your well-being. This is how I ended up at the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London, where I received an excellent foundation in biomedicine, and then studied naturopathic nutrition and discovered more new knowledge that I successfully applied with clients during a clinic at the college. To this day, and with great pleasure, I continue to expand my knowledge as much as possible.

person about to write on white printer paperr
person about to write on white printer paperr

My blog

If you are looking for valuable information on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, then you have come to the right place. My blog offers a wide range of articles, recipes, and useful tips to help you achieve optimal health. So, if you are eager to improve your overall well-being and make positive changes in your life, start exploring our articles and tips today!